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CRP Test London

C-Reactive Protein is a protein made by your liver and released into the bloodstream in response to inflammation. A CRP Blood Test measures the amount of C-Reactive Protein in your blood. 

*Results will be sent the same-day or next-day via email. 

*Please note that an additional £30 phlebotomy charge will be added to your bill.  Most competitive prices on the market! 

  • Early Disease Detection
  • Inflammation Monitoring
  • Heart Health Insights

What is CRP?

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein that is produced by the liver. Its production is a response to inflammation in the body. Normally present at low levels in the bloodstream, CRP levels can increase dramatically in response to inflammatory stimuli, such as infection, injury, or chronic diseases. This protein plays a role in your body’s immune response by interacting with the complement system, a part of the immune system that aids in the destruction of foreign pathogens.

CRP is considered an acute-phase reactant, meaning its levels rise quickly following inflammatory stimuli. The elevation in CRP levels is a part of the body’s natural response to deal with stress and damage. However, CRP itself is not specific to any particular condition and can increase in a wide range of inflammatory situations, ranging from infection to autoimmune disorders.

Understanding the role of CRP is crucial in medical diagnostics as it helps in the assessment of inflammation and, consequently, in the management and treatment of various conditions.

What is a Blood Test for C-Reactive Protein?

At London Blood Tests, our CRP test is a specialised procedure designed to detect the presence of C-reactive protein in the blood. This protein is an important biomarker for inflammation and is part of the panel included in our full blood test suite.

When a patient undergoes a CRP blood test, it indicates our clinicians are looking for evidence of inflammation, which can be a response to a variety of conditions. The presence of C-reactive protein is a general signal that can point to an acute phase response in the body.

It’s essential to understand that the C reactive protein test is not a diagnostic end in itself but rather a part of a larger investigative process. Elevated levels of CRP as detected by the blood test for C-reactive protein may prompt further investigation to uncover the root cause of the inflammation.

At London Blood Tests, each CRP test is performed with the utmost attention to accuracy and patient care, ensuring that you receive reliable and timely information about your health.

What is the Role of a CRP Test?

The CRP test plays a pivotal role in medical diagnostics by measuring the levels of C-reactive protein in the blood, an indicator of inflammation within the body. People may require this test for various reasons, often as part of a diagnostic evaluation when symptoms suggest an inflammatory condition or to monitor known issues.

At London Blood Tests, we recommend a CRP blood test for patients who exhibit symptoms that could be associated with elevated CRP levels. These symptoms often indicate inflammation and can include:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Joint pain
  • Signs of infection

Conversely, symptoms of low CRP levels are typically absent since low CRP is generally a sign of good health. However, persistently low or undetectable CRP levels in the context of certain diseases might suggest:

  • Effective management of inflammatory conditions
  • Low risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Good response to treatment for infections and auto-immune disorders

It’s important to understand that the C Reactive Protein test is not used to diagnose specific conditions on its own but to indicate whether inflammation is present and to monitor its intensity or response to treatment. London Blood Tests provides this test to aid in the comprehensive assessment of a patient’s health, ensuring any inflammatory activity is detected and addressed appropriately.

Benefits of a C Reactive Protein Test

The C Reactive Protein test has several benefits that make it an invaluable component of the diagnostic services at London Blood Tests. Here’s how this test is beneficial:

  • Early Detection:

The CRP test can detect the presence of inflammation before symptoms become apparent, allowing for early intervention.

  • Monitoring Disease Progression:

For chronic conditions, such as autoimmune diseases, regular CRP blood tests can help track the effectiveness of treatments and the progression of the disease.

  • Risk Assessment:

Elevated levels of CRP can be a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The CRP test helps in assessing the risk for heart conditions.

  • Identifying Infections:

The CRP blood test can be used to identify serious bacterial infections and differentiate them from viral infections, influencing treatment decisions.

  • Guiding Treatment:

Results from a blood test for C-Reactive Protein can guide healthcare providers in determining whether to prescribe anti-inflammatory medication or antibiotics.

  • Postoperative Care:

After surgery, the CRP test can be used to monitor for signs of an infection or complications.

  • Comprehensive Health Evaluation:

As part of a full blood test, measuring C-reactive protein adds a layer to the overall assessment of a patient’s health.

The C Reactive Protein Test is a dynamic tool that serves various purposes in patient care at London Blood Tests. It’s a standard part of evaluating a patient’s health, providing insights into the presence and intensity of inflammation, which is a common pathway for many diseases.

Step-by-Step at London Blood Tests

At London Blood Tests, the procedure for a CRP test is conducted with patient comfort and convenience in mind. Here is the step-by-step process that patients can expect:

  1. Appointment Scheduling:

Book your appointment for a CRP blood test at a time that suits you, either online or over the phone.

  1. Pre-Test Guidance:

Before your CRP test, our team will provide you with any necessary pre-test instructions, such as fasting requirements.

  1. Arrival at the Clinic:

On the day of the test, arrive at London Blood Tests and check in at the reception.

  1. Patient Preparation:

A healthcare professional will escort you to the testing area and may ask for your medical history relevant to the CRP test.

  1. Blood Sample Collection:

A skilled phlebotomist will draw a blood sample, usually from a vein in your arm. The process is quick and should cause minimal discomfort.

  1. Post-Draw Care:

After the blood draw, you will be asked to apply pressure to the site to minimise bruising. You’ll receive a bandage over the puncture site.

  1. Sample Analysis:

Your blood sample will be sent to our laboratory, where it will be analysed to determine the CRP levels.

  1. Results and Consultation:

Once your results are ready, typically within 24-48 hours, you will be contacted for a follow-up consultation to discuss the findings of your CRP blood test.

  1. Further Steps:

If necessary, further diagnostic testing or treatment options will be recommended based on your CRP blood test results.

We strive to ensure that each step of your experience with London Blood Tests is conducted with professionalism and care, providing you with accurate and timely results for your CRP test.

Step-by-Step at Your Own Comfort

At London Blood Tests, the procedure for a CRP test is conducted with patient comfort and convenience in mind. Here is the step-by-step process that patients can expect:

  1. Scheduling the Visit:

Choose the convenient at-home or in hotel-room service option when scheduling your CRP blood test appointment with London Blood Tests. An additional fee of £25 applies for this service, except for locations within Kings Cross, London, where this service is offered at no extra charge.

  1. Preparing for the Test:

Upon booking, you’ll receive instructions on how to prepare for the CRP test. This might include fasting or any other special instructions.

  1. Confirming the Appointment:

You will receive a confirmation call or email from London Blood Tests with the details of your appointment and the expected arrival time of the healthcare professional.

  1. Healthcare Professional’s Arrival:

A qualified phlebotomist from London Blood Tests will arrive at your specified address, bringing all necessary equipment for the blood test for C-reactive protein.

  1. Verifying Details:

The phlebotomist will verify your identity and any relevant medical details before proceeding with the CRP blood test.

  1. Blood Sample Collection:

You will be comfortably seated, and the phlebotomist will draw a sample of blood, typically from a vein in your arm, ensuring the process is as comfortable and swift as possible.

  1. Post-Sample Care:

After collecting the blood sample, you will be provided with aftercare advice to ensure proper healing of the puncture site.

  1. Sample Handling:

The phlebotomist will safely store your blood sample for transport back to the laboratory of London Blood Tests for analysis.

  1. Results Delivery:

Your CRP test results will be processed, and the findings will be sent to you securely. A representative from London Blood Tests will be available to discuss your results and any recommended next steps.

  1. Follow-Up:

If the results indicate the need for further investigation or treatment, London Blood Tests will guide you through the subsequent actions to take.

Our at-home service ensures that you receive the highest standard of care and convenience without needing to travel to our clinic, making the process of obtaining a C Reactive Protein blood test as stress-free as possible.

What is the Role of a CRP Test?

Understanding the CRP what is normal range is key to interpreting the results of a CRP blood test. At London Blood Tests, we adhere to the established medical guidelines to define the CRP blood test normal range.

  • Low CRP Levels: Typically indicate no active inflammation. Low or undetectable serum c-reactive protein levels are generally considered a good sign and are what we hope to see in a healthy individual without any acute inflammation.

  • Normal CRP Values: Generally fall below 10 mg/L. This normal c reactive protein value suggests the absence of significant inflammation and is the expected range for the average person.

  • High CRP Levels: A reading above 10 mg/L can be considered elevated and may suggest acute or chronic inflammation. Such high c reactive protein levels warrant further clinical evaluation to determine the cause of the inflammation.

To provide a more detailed interpretation, London Blood Tests may refer to a c reactive protein level chart. This chart helps categorise the CRP levels into more specific ranges, such as low-risk, average-risk, and high-risk categories for cardiovascular disease, which is one of the conditions associated with inflammation indicated by CRP.

It’s important to note that while the CRP test can be a powerful tool in detecting inflammation, it should be considered alongside other clinical assessments and tests for a comprehensive evaluation. If you have concerns about your CRP levels, whether they’re low, normal, or high, our team at London Blood Tests is ready to assist you in understanding what these levels mean for your personal health.

Did you know?

What is CRP?

C-reactive protein, commonly known as CRP, is a protein found in the blood that rises in levels in response to inflammation. It is produced by the liver and is often one of the first indicators of inflammation or infection in the body. Elevated levels of CRP can suggest various health issues, from acute infections to chronic diseases, and thus, a CRP test is a valuable tool in a physician’s diagnostic arsenal.

What is a normal level of CRP?

The normal level of CRP is typically below 10 mg/L, which signifies an absence of acute inflammation within the body. The CRP blood test normal range may slightly vary between different laboratories due to differences in testing equipment and techniques. When levels are above this threshold, it suggests an inflammatory process is present, and further investigation is warranted.

What does a CRP blood test measure?

A CRP blood test measures the concentration of C-reactive protein in your blood. Since CRP is a marker of inflammation, the test is used to indicate the presence and intensity of an inflammatory reaction, whether due to infection, injury, or chronic disease. It is an essential part of a full blood test panel that helps understand one's health status.

How is a CRP test done?

To perform a CRP test, a healthcare provider will draw a small amount of blood from a vein in your arm using a needle. The procedure is quick and relatively painless. The collected blood is then sent to a lab, where the amount of serum c-reactive protein is measured using specialised analytical techniques.

What can cause a high CRP level?

Levels of high c-reactive protein can be triggered by a wide array of conditions. These include bacterial infections, such as pneumonia or sepsis, autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, and chronic inflammatory diseases, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Other causes could be physical trauma, heart attacks, and even some cancers.

Is a high CRP level serious?

A high CRP level can be a sign of serious health issues since it points to the presence of inflammation, which is a typical body response to many health problems. However, CRP alone does not diagnose a specific condition; it merely alerts healthcare providers that further investigation may be needed to uncover the root cause of the inflammation.

Can a CRP test detect heart disease?

While a CRP test is not used to diagnose heart disease directly, it can indicate an increased risk for cardiovascular problems. Studies have shown that people with high c-reactive protein levels have a higher risk of heart disease. Therefore, the CRP test can be part of a cardiac risk assessment profile.

What might a low CRP level indicate?

A low CRP level generally suggests that there is no significant inflammation in the body, which is a good sign of health. However, very low or undetectable levels of CRP in certain chronic inflammatory diseases might indicate successful treatment or management of the condition.

How often should I have a CRP test?

The frequency of the CRP test depends on individual health circumstances. For those with known inflammatory or cardiac conditions, doctors may recommend regular monitoring. In other cases, a CRP blood test may be ordered to follow up on specific symptoms or as part of a routine full blood test.

How can I interpret my CRP test result?

Interpreting CRP test results should be done in conjunction with a healthcare professional who can consider the full clinical context. A c reactive protein level chart provides a range of CRP levels, from low to high, helping to understand the level of inflammation. Your doctor can discuss what the CRP blood test results mean for you, especially in relation to CRP blood test normal range and your health history.

Our tailored tests will help you discover health insights to assess your wellbeing.

London Medical Laboratory is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission. Certificate number: CRT1-4708702735

London Medical Laboratory is accredited in accordance with International Standard ISO 15189:2012

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