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Genetic Lactose Intolerance Test

*Home-visit for extra £60.

At London Blood Tests, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive diagnostic services to help you understand your health better. One of our key offerings is the Genetic Lactose Intolerance Test, designed to identify whether your body can effectively digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and dairy products. If you experience discomfort after consuming dairy, this test can provide the answers you need to make informed dietary choices and improve your quality of life.

About the Test

Our Genetic Lactose Intolerance Test identifies specific SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) in the MCM6 gene, namely C13910T and G22018A. These genetic markers are associated with lactose intolerance, allowing you to understand your body's ability to digest lactose found in dairy products.

The C13910T and G22018A are specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the DNA sequence. They represent a change in a single nucleotide at a particular position in the genome:

• C13910T: At position 13910, a Cytosine (C) is replaced by Thymine (T). This SNP is associated with lactase persistence (the ability to digest lactose into adulthood).

• G22018A: At position 22018, a Guanine (G) is replaced by Adenine (A). This SNP can also be related to lactase persistence or other genetic traits.

The MCM6 gene encodes a protein involved in DNA replication. It's located near the LCT gene (which encodes lactase), and certain SNPs in the MCM6 gene region (like C13910T) regulate the expression of the LCT gene, affecting lactase persistence.

Benefits of Genetic Lactose Intolerance Test

Accurate Diagnosis: Understand if your gastrointestinal symptoms are due to lactose intolerance.
Personalized Diet: Make informed dietary choices to improve your overall health and well-being.
Quick Results: Receive your results within 7 days, enabling you to take swift action.

The Process

Book an Appointment: Schedule your test online or via phone.
Sample Collection: Visit our clinic for a blood sample collection or arrange a home visit for an additional £60.
Laboratory Analysis: Our expert team analyzes your sample for the C13910T and G22018A SNPs.
• Receive Results: Get your results within 7 days, complete with a detailed report and dietary recommendations.

Why Choose London Blood Tests?

Experienced Professionals: Our team of specialists ensures precise and reliable testing.
Convenient Locations: Easily accessible clinics across London.
Comprehensive Support: From booking to results, we provide support at every step.

Ideal For

• Individuals experiencing gastrointestinal issues after consuming dairy.
• Those with a family history of lactose intolerance.
• Anyone looking to understand their genetic predisposition to lactose intolerance.

How to Get Started

1. Schedule Your Test: Book online or call us to arrange your test.
2. Choose Your Collection Method: Decide between a clinic visit or a home visit for an additional fee.
3. Prepare for the Test: Follow any pre-test instructions provided.
4. Get Tested: Visit the clinic or have a professional come to your home to collect your sample.
5. Receive Your Results: We will send your results via email within 7 days.

Understanding your genetic predisposition to lactose intolerance can significantly enhance your quality of life. At London Blood Tests, we offer a quick, reliable, and convenient way to diagnose lactose intolerance, helping you make better dietary choices. Book your test today and take the first step towards a healthier, more comfortable life.

Our tailored tests will help you discover health insights to assess your wellbeing.

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London Medical Laboratory is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission. Certificate number: CRT1-4708702735

London Medical Laboratory is accredited in accordance with International Standard ISO 15189:2012

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